Photo credit: Pixabay
This is a very effective seven-day diet plan which will help you shed up to 10 pounds. It is ideal for people who need to lose weight quickly to ,for example, to get into a favorite dress or another piece of clothing. Before we get any deeper into it, let’s just say that it is very important that you don’t exceed seven days of this diet, and you can repeat it only after two weeks of diet-free living. Also, you need to keep in mind that lost weight is not only fat but water as well.
Cabbage diet is extremely beneficial for our health because it’s abundant in vitamin C, and it is great for expelling toxins from the body, as well as the elimination of free radicals. It is also great for digestion and cardiovascular health, and it lowers absorption of fat, thus lowering bad cholesterol. Besides all that it strengthens immunity and prevents anemia while helping your body detoxify and burn fat. Now that we got all of that out of the way, let’s check out some pros and cons of this popular diet.
The first drawback of this diet is a monotonous taste you’ll haste to put up with for seven straight days. It gets even worse if you’re not a fan of cabbage.
Secondly, it will only give you short-term results. Even though this diet will help you lose weight quickly, once you get back to your usual eating habits, you’ll gain weight right back up. This happens because after eating cabbage soup for seven days, you’ll crave everything afterward.
The third drawback is the weakness you might feel, due to the low-calorie intake.
It is cheap, and you’ll be able to find organic cabbage if you start dieting during cabbage season.
It is full of vitamins and fiber which will help you feel satiated.
You don’t have to cook it every day. You can cook it every two or three days and keep a stash in the fridge.
You’ll experience incredibly fast results.
Ingredients and Preparation
To properly prepare cabbage soup you’ll need:
- 1 green paprika
- 1 tomato
- 6 sticks of celery
- 1 big onion
- 2 bouillon cubes
- 1 big head of cabbage
- 4 glasses of water
- 1 tablespoon of olive oil
Cut up the vegetables into small cubes, sear onion until it softens up and add celery, tomato, and paprika. Pour water over the mixture, add bouillon cubes and cook for 15 minutes. In the meantime, cut up the cabbage. Add it to the rest of ingredients and cook it for another 10 minutes. Keep in mind that cabbage is added last so it preserves as many vitamins and minerals as possible. Do not salt the soup, or add vegetables like potatoes, carrots, etc.
Diet plan by day
Day 1:
Eat the soup you made in unlimited amounts. You can also eat any fruit you want except the bananas. Besides water, you can also drink unsweetened tea or sugar-free cranberry juice.
Day 2:
You can’t eat fruit, but you can eat different vegetables with your cabbage soup. Everything is permitted except potatoes. Stick to the low-calorie vegetables. For dinner, you can eat one baked potato slightly buttered and unsalted.
Combine first and the second day, so eat fruit and vegetables but stay clear of the baked potato for dinner.
Day 4:
On day four besides the unavoidable soup, you can also eat bananas (up to eight of them), and you can drink fat-free milk in unlimited amounts.
On the fifth day, you can eat 250g of lean beef besides cabbage soup, and 6 fresh tomatoes.
Day 6:
You can eat up to pound of lean beef besides the soup, and you can eat fruit.
Day 7:
On this day, you can eat brown rice, unsweetened fruit juice, as well as vegetables.
You have to eat cabbage soup at least once, but not more than three times a day. Do not mix days, and you should drink up to two liters of water per day.