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Summer is approaching, and all of us are trying to get rid of the winter body and look as presentable as possible in shorts, bikinis and revealing clothes in general. Everyone knows there is no a magic pill that will help us with that, but there is a healthy combination of healthy nutrition and exercise that will do wonders. Most of the people will go with reduction of calories, but the truth is, only the combination of the two, will work. When it comes to working out, people are looking for the easiest and most effective exercises that don’t take too much time. Even though it sounds almost impossible, there are some easy and fast calorie burning exercises that are worth the effort.
Although they sometimes can seem hard to do, if done properly, they will give you the desired body in a no time. This type of exercise is going to define your shoulder, arm and chest muscles if you do it the old fashion way, but if combined with other exercises it is going to shape your legs and butt, as well. Push-Ups are a strength exercise, and they are developing muscles in certain areas of the human body which helps with calorie-burn in the long run.
Crunches or Planks
Women are going to love this exercise. Every single female wants to have a flat tummy that can be proudly shown on the beach. Crunches are very effective for that area of the body, and if done properly, they are going to bring good results very fast. There are many variations of this exercise, and anyone can try the one that works the best for them. If you want to have great abs but hate to do crunches, planks are the way to go. It is a strength exercise as well, and it requires the involvement of all muscles in the body, which will consequently lead to toned muscles and a fit figure. For some, this exercise may seem a little bit boring, but fitness trainers say that plank is so versatile that everyone can find the one that is going to satisfy them.
Squats and Lunges
These are a classic. Every fitness trainer will recommend these if you want to lose weight or tone your muscles. Squats and lunges are a great solution if you want to shape your legs and backside. They can also be done in many different ways, but in combination with weights, you will target both, lower and upper muscles.
Riding a bike
As we all know this is a cardio exercise. It is going to speed the blood flow and heart rate, which will help burn calories and fat. Riding a bike is for people who like adventures and find exercises in closed spaces boring. The best thing about it is that you can do it with someone and be on the fresh air.
Doing these recommended exercises will make you fit without breaking too much sweat, and soon you will be able to do even harder ones, just don’t stop challenging yourself.