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Lack of sleep stimulates appetite and leads to misbalance of hormones which ultimately cause accumulation of fat. If you are constantly tired, it will be hard for you to follow the rules of a balanced diet and daily exercise. Sleep schedule is an essential prerequisite for getting rid of insomnia and peaceful sleep. Here are some tips that will help you.
What to avoid?
Avoid afternoon sleep, because that can be the main reason for night insomnia. If you have to take a nap, let it be in the form of a half-hour sleep. Exercise regularly, but not before going to bed. You will have trouble sleeping if you exercise a couple of hours before bed.
Since the stress is the main cause for lack of sleep, do not think about everyday obligations and concerns before the bedtime. In the evening, try to relax completely, and turn your brain off.
Do not drink coffee and tea rich in caffeine at least six hours before going to bed.
What sleeping pose to choose?
If you suffer from insomnia, try to sleep on your back. In addition to being the best position for relaxation, this pose also allows your internal organs to rest. If, however, you need to sleep on your side, let it be the right one, not the left. In fact, when you sleep on the left side of the body, stomach and liver are putting pressure on the heart, burdening and interfering with the normal functions of one of the most important organs.
Never sleep on your stomach, otherwise, all the internal organs, including the lungs, will be exposed to great pressure, and the result may be sleep apnea disorder. In addition, it may wake you up prematurely because of neck pain or problems in the upper back.
Foods that will help you fall asleep
Magnesium is a natural sedative because it relaxes the muscles, and its deficiency in the body can cause insomnia. Pumpkin seeds are an excellent source of this mineral. Not only they will relax the body, but also they will relieve you of stress, the most common cause of sleepless nights. Good sources of magnesium are also fish, almonds, and sesame seeds. Spinach and other green vegetables are full of chlorophyll and can help you fall asleep if you consume them as a light dinner.
Listen to soothing music
Sleep should not be forced because an excessive desire for sleep often has the opposite effect. If you cannot fall asleep, get out of bed and engage yourself in some hypnotic activities, such as reading or listening to relaxing music. Return to bed only when you feel sleepy again. To be completely relaxed, listen to peaceful classical compositions or jazz ballads. Listening to these tunes relaxes the mind and body.
Enjoy a hot bath
A warm basil bath is an excellent preparation for sleep. The smell of this herb relieves insomnia. Mix eight drops of basil and two tablespoons of cream. In this way, the oil will mix with water better and it won’t irritate the skin.
Go to bed at approximately same time
Schedule the time of going to bed and waking up. If you teach the body a certain routine, it will eventually start giving you signs that it is ready for bed. Every night, go to bed at about the same time preferably 10 or 11 PM.