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This diet is based on low-carb foods and a lot of lean protein and monounsaturated fats. Even though it is considered to be a low-carb diet, its creator disagrees with that statement. He says that his main goal when developing it was to make a diet that was going to teach people which fats and carbs are good and which are not. That’s why he doesn’t call his diet low-carb, but rather a good one.
The inspiration for this diet came when Dr. Agatston’s patients were unable to lose weight using regular high-carb diets, but he noticed that they were managing to do so when using low-carb ones, like Atkins diet. He didn’t want to put them on Atkins Diet, because his patients had cardiovascular diseases, which fats and meat, recommended in that diet, would make only worse. Because of that, he has developed The South Beach Diet, which helps with weight loss and health problems as well.
The diet has three stages. During the first stage, the weight loss should be the quickest and the highest. In the following stages, carbs are included more in the meals, while proteins and fats are decreasing in use. This diet consists of three main meals and two snacks, and it includes an exercise program also.
Negative effects of this diet can be seen during its first stage. Because the weight loss is so high, some people will be deprived of necessary nutrients, vitamins, and proteins, experts suggest. Some side effects during the first stage include tiredness, dizziness, bad breath and so on. Even though symptoms are not present during the last two stages, scientists are not very fond of the diet, because it does not guarantee positive results, in the long run. Taking all that into consideration, many refer to it as a commercial low-carb diet.
Dr. Agatston doesn’t see this diet plan as a one-time thing but as a lifestyle and a solution for many health issues. Because it is based on vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, or good carbs, and healthy proteins and fats, it decreases levels of sugar in people’s blood, which, if high, make us feel hunger all the time and leads to diabetes and heart problems. The best thing about it is that calories don’t have to be counted, which automatically, makes it easier to follow than many other low-carb diets.
To conclude, if you have some medical issues, or want to lose weight temporary, but don’t want to give up meat and fats, or you just want to change your eating habits, The South Beach Diet might be the best solution for you, so why not give it a try.